- Chipul iconic : in memoriam ieromonah Ghelasie : reflexii ale chipului mistico-teologic ghelasian. vol.6
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Collaborator: Popovici, Dan, pr. Collaborator: Caragiu, Florin Collaborator: Olteanu, Adrian Collaborator: Neofit, ieromonah Statement of Responsibility: pr. Dan Popovici, Florin Caragiu, Adrian Olteanu, ierom. Neofit Published: Chipul iconic Place of Publication: Sînbotin Year of Publication: 2022 ISBN: 978-606-95520-0-1 Description: 182 p. Language: Romanian Contained By: Chipul iconic / arhim. Hristofor, Moise monahul, Florin Caragiu, Dan Popovici... . - Sînbotin : Chipul iconic, 2020 . - vol. Subject: isihasm Subject: antropologie creştină Subject: misticism Subject: misticism filosofic Subject: monahism Subject: biserica română Subject: filosofie religioasă Subject: simbolism religios Subject: Ghelasie Gheorghe (de la Frăsinei), ieromonah, pers.loc. (1944-2003 ) Classification: 248.2 Classification: 141.33 Classification: 271(495 Athos) Classification: 271(498) Ghelasie de la Frăsinei Classification: 281.95 Ghelasie de la Frăsinei Classification: 21 Classification: 233:572 Classification: 246.6
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