- Tradiții în satele clujene 2020/2021 = Traditions in the villages of Cluj county 2020/2021
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Conceptor: Istici, Maria Marinela Conceptor: Irimieș, Adriana Emilia Conceptor: Sâmboan, Grigore Photographer: Câmpeanu, Mircea Photographer: Bruchental, Ioan Photographer: Nerţan, Nicolae Statement of Responsibility: Adriana Emilia Irimieș, Maria Marinela Istici, Grigore Sâmbotan Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: fotografii: Mircea Cîmpeanu, Ioan Bruchental, Nicolae Nerțan... Paralel Title: Traditions in the villages of Cluj county 2020/2021 Published: Tradiţii Clujene Place of Publication: Cluj-Napoca Year of Publication: 2021 ISBN: 978-606-8334-23-3 Description: 299 p.: il.color Language: Romanian Paralel Title Link: Traditions in the villages of Cluj county 2020/2021 Subject: tradiții populare - Cluj Subject: tradiții și obiceiuri Subject: album Classification: 39(498-35 Cluj)(084)
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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