- Olt: manifestări culturale permanente şi instituţii de cultură : tradiţii şi obiceiuri pe meleaguri oltene = Olt: permanent cultural manifestations and cultural institution : oltenian traditions and customs
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Others: Guțică-Florescu, Laurențiu Others: Teodorescu, Florian Others: Guțică-Florescu, Denisa Statement of Responsibility: text: Laurenţiu Guţică-Florescu, Florian Teodorescu, Denisa Guţică-Florescu... Paralel Title: Olt: permanent cultural manifestations and cultural institution : oltenian traditions and customs Published: s.n. Place of Publication: Slatina Year of Publication: 2015 Description: 100 p. : il. color Language: Romanian Subject: tradiţii - Olt Subject: obiceiuri Subject: manifestări cultural-artistice Subject: etnografie Subject: folclor românesc Subject: album Classification: 39(498-35 Olt)(084)
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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