- Un tezaur monetar de la 1848 descoperit în comuna Popeşti, satul Urşi, judeţul Vâlcea
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Iosifaru, Mariana Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Terteci, Carol Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Tulugea, Claudiu Aurel Statement of Responsibility: Mariana Iosifaru, Carol Terteci, Claudiu Aurel Tulugea Language: Romanian Part of: Buridava/ Muzeul Judeţean "Aurelian Sacerdoţeanu" Vâlcea. Râmnicu-Vâlcea, 2014. Vol.[11] (XI) (2013-2014). Nr. XI / 2013-2014, p. 95-111 Subject: descoperiri arheologice Subject: tezaur monetar
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