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Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Hopcroft, Keith Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Forte, Vincent Statement of Responsibility: Keith Hopcroft şi Vincent Forte Language: Romanian Part of: Repertoar de simptome/ Keith Hopcroft şi Vincent Forte. Bucureşti, 2015. p. 81-104 Subject: simptom Subject: simptomatologie Subject: ameţeală Subject: amnezie Subject: cefalee Subject: halucinaţie Subject: insomnie Subject: libido Subject: vertij Notes: Cuprins: Ameţelile (p. 81-83), Amnezia (p. 84-86), Cefaleea (p. 87-89), Halucinaţiile (p. 90-92), Insomnia (p. 92), Scăderea libidoului (p. 96-98), Starea confuzională acută (p. 99-101), Vertijul (p. 102-104)
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