- Mitologia celtică
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Statement of Responsibility: Fernand Comte Language: Romanian Part of: Mitologiile lumii/ Fernand Comte. Bucureşti, 2006. p. 284-303 Subject: mitologie Subject: mitologie celtică Notes: Cuprins: Introducere (p. 284-285), Dagda (p. 286), Teutates (p. 287), Cernunnos (p. 288), Epona (p. 289), Ogmios (p. 290), Cu Chulainn (p. 291), Lugh (p. 292-293), Pwyll (p. 294-295), Tristan şi Isolda (p. 296-299), Finn Mac Cumail (p. 300), Regele Arthur (p. 301-303).
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