- Mitologia egipteană
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Statement of Responsibility: Fernand Comte Language: Romanian Part of: Mitologiile lumii/ Fernand Comte. Bucureşti, 2006. p. 100-129 Subject: mitologie Subject: mitologie egipteană Notes: Cuprins: Introducere (p. 100-101), Ogoada hermopolitană (p. 102), Enneada heliopolitană (p. 103), Geb şi Nut (p. 104-105), Amon-Ra (p. 106-107), Ptah (p. 108), Sehmet (p. 109), Aton (p. 110-111), Apis (p. 112-113), Hathor (p. 114-115), Maat (p. 116), Thot (p. 117), Anubis (p. 118), Osiris (p. 120), Isis (p. 122), Horus (p. 123), Seth (p. 124), Neftis (p. 125), Bastet (p. 126), Bes (p. 127-129).
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