- Abul Qăsem Ferdowsi - Cartea regilor
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Dumitrescu, Gabriela Translator: Spânu, Luminiţa Photographer: Şarpe, Petre Ciprian Statement of Responsibility: coord. şi text: Gabriela Dumitrescu Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: traducere din limba persană de Luminiţa Spânu
fotografii: Petre Ciprian ŞarpePublished: Sapientia Principium Cognitio Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2014 ISBN: 978-606-93269-3-0 Description: 206 p.: il. color Notes: Bibliografie Notes: Sub egida: Biblioteca Academiei Române Language: Romanian Subject: manuscrise cu miniaturi Subject: literatură persană Subject: miniatură Subject: critică literară - poezie Subject: Ferdowsi, Abu'l Qăsem Classification: 091.31 Classification: 75.056(084) Classification: 821.222.1.09-1=135.1
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