- Implicaţia aderării României la UE asupra instituţiilor din domeniul public = An overview of the implications of EU accession for Romanian public sector institutions
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Scarlat, Cezar Author: Popescu, Daniel Author: Warner, Martin Statement of Responsibility: Cezar Scarlat, Daniel Popescu, Martin Warner Paralel Title: An overview of the implications of EU accession for Romanian public sector institutions Published: Institutul European din România Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2002 Description: 79 p., 95 p. Notes: Bibliografie Language: Romanian Series: Pre-Accession Impact Studies Subject: Acquis comunitar Subject: instituţii publice Subject: consultanţă în afaceri Subject: proiecte, programe de lucru Classification: 082.1 Pre-Accession Impact Studies Classification: 659.231:061.1 UE Classification: 06.051:35(498)
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