Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea

  • Visul unei nopţi de vară... la Bata = A midsummer night's dream... at Bata
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Translator: Dragoş, Elena
    Photographer: Kauff, Alain
    Others: Didilescu, Florin
    Statement of Responsibility: fotografii de Alain Kauff
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: traducere de Elena Dragoş
    coord.proiect: Florin Didilescu
    Paralel Title: A midsummer night's dream... at Bata
    Published: Nigredo
    Place of Publication: Arad
    Year of Publication: 2013
    ISBN: 978-606-8237-29-9
    Description: 126 p.: il.color.
    Language: Romanian
    Paralel Title Link: A midsummer night's dream... at Bata
    Subject: tabără de creaţie
    Subject: artă
    Subject: desen
    Subject: ilustraţii de carte
    Subject: album
    Subject: Bata, tabără de creaţie
    Classification: 741(498 Bata)(084)
    Classification: 06.05:027.53(498-35 Arad):75.056(498)
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