- Vâlcea-nucleul unităţii DacoRomâne
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Petrescu, Eugen, pers.loc. (12.11.1959 -) Statement of Responsibility: Preşedinte ANCE-filiala Vâlcea, Eugen Petrescu Language: Romanian Part of: CULTURA vâlceană/ director Petre Cichirdan. Râmnicu-Vâlcea, 2008-. Anul II, Nr. 22-24 (Nov.-dec. 2009), p. 2 Subject: Subject: istorie Geographical name (subject): Perişani Geographical name (subject): Ocnele Mari Geographical name (subject): Bugiuleşti Classification: 94(498-35 Vâlcea)
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