- Meditaţii şi parabole = Masnavi-ê manavi
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Rumi, Jalal-Ud-Din, poet, jurist, teolog (1207-1273) Others: Grigore, George Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Fard Hosseini, Ahmad Translator: Starck, Otto Statement of Responsibility: Jalaluddin Rumi Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: selecţie, traducere din limba persană şi note de Otto Starck
cuvânt înainte de dr.Ahmad Fard Hosseini
studiu introductiv de dr.George GrigoreParalel Title: Masnavi-ê manavi Published: Kriterion Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2002 ISBN: 973-26-0716-5 Edition: ediţie bilingvă persană-română Description: 240 p. Language: Romanian Series: Bibliotheca Islamica Paralel Title Link: Masnavi-ê manavi Subject: beletristică Classification: 821.222.1-1=135.1=222.1 Classification: 082.1 Bibliotheca Islamica
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