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Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Marinescu, I. M. Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Diaconescu, Traian , pers.loc. (14.07.1939 -) Statement of Responsibility: I.M.Marinescu Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: cu o prefaţă de Traian Diaconescu Published: Vestala Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2003 ISBN: 973-9418-68-8 Description: 336 p. Language: Romanian Series: Orizont enciclopedic Subject: personalităţi Subject: istorie Subject: antichitate Subject: Cicero, Marcus Tullius Subject: Caesar, Caius Iulius Subject: Vergilius, Publius Maro Subject: Horatius Flaccus, Quintus Subject: Ovidius Naso, Publius - 43 î.Hr.-17?d.Hr. Subject: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Subject: Herodot Subject: Sofocle Subject: Socrate Subject: Platon Subject: Aristotel Subject: Theocritus Classification: 94(3):929 Classification: 082.1 Orizont enciclopedic Notes: Cuprins: Roma: Cato cel Bătrân (p. 19-26), Ennius (p. 27-33), Terentius (p. 34-42), Lucretius (p. 43-52), Cicero (p. 53-65), Caesar (p. 66-74), Sallustius (p. 75-82), Vergilius (p. 83-93), Horaţiu (p. 94-102), Ovidiu (p. 103), Seneca (p. 111-119), Lucan (p. 120-127), Persius (p. 128-134), Tacit (p. 135-145), Marţial (p. 146-153), Apuleius (p. 154-168); Elada: Preludii (p. 169-174), Aezii (p. 175-182), Hesiod (p. 183-189), Archiloc (p. 190-196), Theognis (p. 197-205), Sapho (p. 206-213), Herodot (p. 214-222), Prindar (p. 223-229), Sofocle (p. 230-236), Aristofan (p. 237-245), Euripide (p. 245-250), Socrate (p. 251-257), Thucydide (p. 258-267), Xenofon (p. 268-279), Demosthene (p. 280-289), Platon (p. 290-298), Aristotel (p. 299-307), Theocrit (p. 308-317), Lucian (p. 317-324)
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