- Dicţionarul penitenciarelor din România Comunistă (1945-1967)
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Oprea, Marius Others: Roman, Cristina Collaborator: Lăcătuşu, Dumitru Collaborator: Mareş, Clara Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Muraru, Andrei Statement of Responsibility: Andrei Muraru (coord.), Clara Mareş, Dumitru Lăcătuşu... Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: studiu introductiv de Cristina Roman
postfaţă de marius OpreaPublished: Polirom Place of Publication: Iaşi Year of Publication: 2008 ISBN: 978-973-46-0893-5 Description: 582 p.; 13 f.il. Notes: Bibliografie Notes: Index alfabetic Language: Romanian Subject: închisori pentru deţinuţi politici Subject: sistem penitenciar Classification: 343.819.7(498)"1945/1989":929(038)=135.1
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