Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea

  • Chirurgia sistemului venos al membrelor inferioare
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Editor: Ignat, Petru
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Caba, E.
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Bota, N.
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Avram, J.
    Statement of Responsibility: J. Avram, N. Bota, E. Caba,... ; sub redacţia lui Petru Ignat
    Published: Editura Academiei Române
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 1985
    Description: 239 p.
    Notes: Bibliografie p.p. 225-231
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: vene
    Subject: chirurgie
    Classification: 617.58-089
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