Feodorov, Ioana
LDR | 00121nx a22000613 | |
001 | 94364 | |
009 | Feodorov, Ioana | |
200 | $a Feodorov $b Ioana | |
801 | 0 $a RO $b BJVL $c 20101011 |
2 works in 5 publications in 2 languages
5 records Page 1 of 1
- 1
South-Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean : proceedings of the Session helt at the 12th International Congress of South-East European Studies (Bucharest, 2-6 september 2019)
(Language materials, printed)
Editor [340]
The Arab World in Romanian Culture 1957-2001
Feodorov, Ioana
(Language materials, printed)
Jurnal de călătorie în Moldova și Valahia
Paul din Alep
(Language materials, printed)
Translator [730]
Antim Ivireanul : opera tipografică
Bădără, Doru; Croitoru, Ion Marian; Feodorov, Ioana; Policarp Chiţulescu, arhim.; Dumitrescu, Gabriela
(Language materials, printed)
Author [070]