A community of fifteen: Key figures
LDR | 02763nx f22000373 45 | |
001 | 147981 | |
230 | $a A community of fifteen: Key figures $a A world player: The European Union's external relations $a ABC-ul integrării în Uniunea Europeană $a Ce este Uniunea Europeană ?: un ghid pentru tinerii români $a Comment fonctionne l'Union européenne?: Guide des institutions européennes à l'usage des citoyens $a Construire l'Europe des peuples: L'Union européenne et la culture $a Davantage d'unité et de diversité: L'élargissement historique de l'Union européenne $a Dicţionar explicativ al Uniunii Europene $a Economia Uniunii Europene: o poveste de succes? $a Ein globaler Akteur: Die aubenbeziehungen der Europäischen Union $a Enciclopedia Uniunii Europene $a Enciclopedia Uniunii Europene $a EU energy and transport in figures $a Europa: Greifen Sie zu!: Leben, lernen und arbeiten in anderen EU-Ländern $a Die Europäische Union: ein ständiger Erweiterungsprozess $a Europe-an area for research $a Europe at a crossroads: The need for sustainable transport $a L'Europe est à vous: Vivre, se former et travailler dans le pays de son choix $a L'Europe, quelles frontières ?=What borders for Europe ? $a The European Union and the world $a The European Union: Still enlarging $a Europe...questions and answers: Competition in telecommunications: Why and how? $a Europe...questions and answers: How is the European Union running the single market? What are my rights as a consumer? $a Europe...questions and answers: When will the 'Euro' be in our pockets? $a L'Europe...questions et réponses: Comment fonctionne le marché unique? Quels sont mes droits en tant que consommateur? $a L'Europe...questions et réponses: Comment fonctionne l'Union Européenne? $a From farm to fork: Safe food for Europe's consumers $a How Europeans see themselves: Looking throught the mirror with public opinion surveys $a It's a better life: How the EU's single market benefits you $a Living in an area of freedom, security and justice: Justice and home affairs in the Eupean Union $a Many tongues, one family: Languages in the European Union $a More unity and more diversity: The European Union's biggest enlargement $a Passeport pour la mobilité: Apprendre autrement; Se former ailleurs $a La politique fiscale dans l'Union européenne $a Towards A Knowledge-Based Europe: The European Union and the Information Society $a Um protagonista a nivel mundial: As relações externas de União Europeia $a Un acteur mondial: Les relations extérieures de l'Union européenne $a Un concept românesc privind viitorul Uniunii Europene $a Una potencia mundial: Las relaciones exteriores de la Unión Europea $a Uniunea Europeană - ieri şi azi: enciclopedie $a Viele sprachen, eine einzige familie: Sprachen in der Europäischen Union $a Vino să cunoşti Uniunea Europeană!: atlas geografic pentru şcolari |
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Uniunea Europeană
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