Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea


Topical Subject: adverb
Works: 3 works in 11 publications in 2 languages
Teoria părţilor de vorbire: cu aplicaţii la adverb by: Nica, Dumitru (Language materials, printed)
Adverbul by: Buligă, Teodora (Language materials, printed)
Structura semantică și morfologică a adverbului by: Istratie, Elena-Daniela (Language materials, printed)
Study about the corelation between adverbs, prepositions and adverbial particles by: Împăratu, Elena Lăcrimioara (Language materials, printed)
Morfosintaxa adverbului românesc : sincronie şi diacronie by: Ciompec, Georgeta (Language materials, printed)
Adverbul - aspecte teoretice : auxiliar curricular by: Zamfiroiu, Andreea (Language materials, printed)
Adverbul - aspecte metodice by: Zamfiroiu, Andreea (Language materials, printed)
Adverbul - aspecte teoretice by: Zamfiroiu, Andreea (Language materials, printed)
Adverbul - aspecte metodice by: Zamfiroiu, Andreea (Language materials, printed)
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