Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea

literatură scoţiană

Topical Subject: literatură scoţiană
Works: 2 works in 19 publications in 4 languages
Fratele Grimm by: Russell, Craig (Language materials, printed)
Scotland and Scottishness : from tradition to modernity by: Rogobete, Daniela (Language materials, printed)
Opération Boyfriend by: Ryan, Margaret (Language materials, printed)
Good versus evil in Stevenson's novels by: Prună, Nicoleta (Language materials, printed)
Carantina by: May, Peter (Language materials, printed)
La debutante by: Lokko, Lesley (Language materials, printed)
Dying light by: MacBride, Stuart (Language materials, printed)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by: Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) (Language materials, printed)
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner by: Hogg, James (Language materials, printed)
Vânătorii de fulgere by: Macleod, Ken (Language materials, printed)
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