Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea


Topical Subject: descoperiri
Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 3 languages
Descoperiri ştiiţifice - legendă şi adevăr by: Popescu, Mihai (ing.); Spulber, Virgil (Language materials, printed)
Histoire des secrets : de la guerre du feu à l'Internet by: Huyghe, Édith; Huyghe, François-Bernard (Language materials, printed)
Viaţă-efort-creaţie : pe urmele unor mari cutezători by: Năstase, Ştefan (Language materials, printed)
The Wordsworth Dictionary of Inventions by: Messadie, Gerald (Language materials, printed)
Invenţii şi descoperiri by: Larousse (Language materials, printed)
Invenţii by: Murphy, Glenn (Language materials, printed)
Ochii ştiinţei spre macrocosmos şi spre microcosmos by: Toma, Eugeniu (Language materials, printed)
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