Biblioteca Judeţeană "Antim Ivireanul" Vâlcea

Lessing, Doris

Personal Name: Lessing, Doris
Agency: RO: BJVL
Works: 0 works in 13 publications in 4 languages
Eine richtige Ehe: roman by: Lessing, Doris (Language materials, printed)
O coborâre în infern by: Lessing, Doris (Language materials, printed)
Les carnets de Jane Somers. Journal d'une voisine: roman by: Lessing, Doris (Language materials, printed)
Three contemporary women writers : whitin and against the canon by: Manea, Anca (Language materials, printed)
The man who loved children by: Stead, Christina (Language materials, printed) Others [570]
Povestiri africane by: Lessing, Doris (Language materials, printed)
Cealaltă femeie by: Lessing, Doris (Language materials, printed)
Martha Quest: roman by: Lessing, Doris (Language materials, printed)
Povestiri africane by: Lessing, Doris (Language materials, printed)
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